Testnet FAQ

Q1: After completing a transaction, I can see my ETH has decreased but I can't see the other tokens I received. Why?

You need to manually add the token contract address to your wallet. You can find the corresponding token contract address on the Tokens page in the Explore section. If it's not found on this page, you can go to the personal center page, click on the transaction to enter the blockchain explorer (note that data on the personal center page may not sync after clearing the cache or switching devices).

Wrapped BTC address: 0x9D775125AFeDc37c46441eADC90140FC2E0d88ac

USD Coin address: 0x6dD7917d2558b88d7A4CB75ccBC05b83EE73eC0e

Tether USD address: 0x67330f6BC8dcE05816662785A89fb0611F6D149F

wstETH address: 0xcC3551B5B93733E31AF0c2C7ae4998908CBfB2A1

weETH address: 0xBb474E8854A65f422fCf31b1a72282388af01eb1

Q2: Why is the price of ETH on the testnet different from the mainnet when converted to USDT?

The testnet is primarily for testing functionalities. The ETH and USDT on the testnet have no real value and are only for testing purposes.

Q3: I added liquidity for token pairs A/B, but now I can't see it in the Swap-Pool after clearing my cache or switching devices. What should I do?

You can import it via Import Pool; this issue does not occur with Swap V3.

Q4: I received an error message when trying to execute a swap transaction. What should I do?

If you encounter a transaction error during a swap, try adjusting the slippage tolerance settings.

Last updated