Provide AMM Liquidity (Morph)
How to add liquidity to a V2 pool:
1. Navigate to the 'Pool' tab on the app and connect your wallet.
2. Then click add V2 Liquidity
3. Select the tokens you wish to add to the liquidity pool. You must add liquidity to the pool in the form of two tokens at a 1:1 ratio according to USD value. Enter the amount of the first coin you wish to add, the second coin will adjust to match a 1:1 ratio. Then click 'ADD LIQUIDITY'. You will then need to approve the transaction in your wallet.
You should see a confirmation for the transaction. You should now be able to view your LP tokens in your wallet balance.
You have now successfully added to liquidity pool. If you wish to reclaim your tokens, simply click 'Remove Liquidity' and confirm the transactions.
That's it, you're now a liquidity provider on Morph Testnet!
How to add liquidity to a V3 pool:
Navigate to the 'Pool' tab on the app and connect your wallet.
Then click add V3 Liquidity
3.Select the tokens and fee tier you wish to add to the liquidity pool. You must add liquidity to the pool in the form of two tokens at a 1:1 ratio according to USD value. Enter the amount of the first token you wish to add, and the amount of the second token will automatically adjust to match the 1:1 ratio. You can also set it to only be effective within a certain price range. Then click "ADD LIQUIDITY." You will then need to approve the transaction in your wallet.
You have successfully added to the liquidity pool. If you wish to reclaim your tokens, simply click on the liquidity pool, go to the details page, and then click "Remove Liquidity" and confirm the transaction.
Last updated